Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Wish the Mayans Were Right. #YOLO

Yes, I did just drop two of the biggest social phenomenons this past year has seen. They are relevant, I promise; though YOLO is not typically relevant...but that's beside the point.

Based on the end of the Mayan calendar, people have speculated that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Besides the fact that no man will predict when Jesus does come back, researchers, scientists, and those that once entertained the accuracy of this idea have even debunked it. Needless to say, I am convinced that the world shall go on for the time being.

However, now that the date is upon us, it has sent people into YOLO-mode. YOLO stands for You Only Live Once. It can be (and has been) interpreted in many different ways. At first glance, it seems rather redundant. Its typical use, however, is as an excuse to do really stupid stuff. In some ways, that sentiment makes sense - you only have one life to live, so live it to the full. However, doing [stupid] life threatening acts does not equate to living fully in my mind. Here's an insightful and humorous take on the subject:

There you go. Now you understand what social phenomenons I'm talking about. If you already did,'ve just been re-educated. You're welcome.

Anyways - in light of the supposed end of the world, there is a lot of YOLO happening. The pointless kind. People feel like being reckless, because it brings up this: we never know what day will be our last. Now, this is a valid point. In addition, being reckless can be a very good thing. In fact, I believe that to truly follow Christ, you must be reckless. Make the most of every moment. As cliche as it's becoming, I believe it's true. I'm just disappointed at how these sentiments have led so many to fulfill unmet selfish goals rather than live recklessly in Christ.

Imagine with me that the world was ending. That reading this was the last thing you ever did. Rather than asking the question "What one thing do you wish you had done?", I want to ask you "What one thing would Christ have had you do?" See, there are a lot of things Christ calls us to that we don't follow through on. We have our pride, our image to protect. Being reckless - disregarding rules - is fun, but being reckless - laying down our interests and serving wholeheartedly - is not the first thing on most people's minds.

I wish it was. If tomorrow was the end of the world, let's do something about it. Let's tell the unloved that they are loved. Let's make amends with the bitter. Let's bear our hearts with one another.

Maybe this is just a whole lot of "Christian" stuff thrown together, and it's too overused to mean anything. I truly hope that is not the case. My challenge for myself, and for you is this: let's live like the predictions were right - that today is our last chance. Let's not live recklessly today, but every day. #YOLO

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' it Ben! As I like to say, don't 'pray' to get permission to live out the gospel, just go! And once the chaos begins, pray God recklessly pours down His grace!
